Monday, October 15, 2007

class logo

i named our class "Flamboyant", meaning not only its basic definition of simply being elaborate, colorful..etc, but
it also means a striking, outward, audacious behavior of a person, place or event. From being in the class, i felt that as a designers/artists, we all in some sense strive to be "seen" or marked by our uniqueness that attarct attention from others. And we often do need to be audacious/brave about our own work, rather than being shy and not confident, which i personally sometimes struggle with.
so basically, as a class, everyone has a different style or sensability that makes us so "colorful" as a whole and we want to
'show off' that...
in addition, i created streotypical icons that relate to the word "flamboyant".. however many people in the class there..
and i'm gonna make them into small buttons..

1 comment:

artsnob101 said...

I like the one w rounds and buttons.
U might can try rainbow in another tones of color. Or w another typeface.

sorry for late update but..
Uploaded @
another update ?
Plz post your update notice @ .
Or Email to
Gen also receives daily Google-group e-mails, so not necessary to send ur update notice to her email address.
Good luck for all of ur projects s. TA:M